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My interest in astronomy dates back to 2018, as my first musical projects can tell. I have since tried to document the sky as faithfully as possible through my telescope. Here are some astrophotography projects completed between 2019 and 2020.

- Explore Scientific ED80 refractor telescope (480mm/F6);
- Boitier Canon 7D mark I defiltred / Canon 80D;
- Sky-Watcher HEQ5 SynScan GoTo motorized equatorial mount;

Software processing:
- Deep Sky Stacker;
- Gimp.

Lunette Explore Scientific ED80 | Canon 80D
M42 - Nébuleuse d'Orion

M42 - NGC1976 - Orion Nebula - December 18th 2020

M31 - Galaxie d'Andromède

M31 - Andromeda Galaxy - September 2020

Voix lactée

Milky Way - Mont-Mégantic national parc - July 2019

M45 - Amas des Pléiades

M45 - The Pleiades - August 2020

Soirée d'observations

Observation evening - December 2020

M13 - Amas d'Hercule

M13 - Hercules Cluster - June 15th 2020

M8 - Nébuleuse de la Lagune

M8 - Lagoon Nebula - August 13th 2020

Comète C2020 F3 Neowise

C2020 F3 Neowise Comet - July 14th 2020

M101 - Galaxie du moulinet

M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy - Ursa Major Constellation - June 19th 2020

Pleine lune

Full Moon - April 7th 2020

Pleine lune et Château Frontenac

Full Moon and the Château Frontenac - October 31th 2020

Voix lactée
Levé de lune
Dernier quartier de lune

Milky Way - Mont-Mégantic - July 2019

Moonrise - August 2020

Last moon quarter - August 15th 2020

Ciel boréal nocturne
M27 - Nébuleuse de l'Haltère

Noctural boreal sky - Jacques-Cartier Lake - July 6th 2020

M27 - Dumbbell Nebula - June 2020

Levé de lune et Vénus

Moonrise and Venus - Jacques-Cartier Lake - August 15th 2020

Étoile filante - Perséïdes

Shooting star - Perseids - August 15th 2020

Alexandre Côté - Compositeur / Concepteur sonore - ©2023
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