Composer, ideator and sound designer, Alexandre works in the field of musical and sound creation, audiovisual and cinema since 2016.
Passionate about physics and astronomy, he cultivates an interest in artistic projects based on strong and daring processes, leaving room for experimentation, but also for considerations from popular culture. Sensitive to the different constraints of languages, he seeks through his creations to combine several artistic fields, favoring collaborative approaches, through a vast panorama of possible media, ranging from sound installation to instrumental concert music, passing by electroacoustics and music for the film.
Diplomas and qualifications
Conservatoire de musique de Québec
- Bachelor of music in composition with composer Yannick Plamondon;
Collège Notre-Dame de Foy
- Enregistrement et sonorisation;
- Composition musicale et techniques audio à l'image.

Photo: Elias Djemil-Matassov